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Prior to being one of the first, AFPA franchises the Buffalo All-Americans played in the Buffalo Semi-Pro Football League and New York Pro Football League. Playing as the All-Stars, Niagaras and Prospects, Buffalo was one of the best professional football teams, winning the City title in 1918 and the state championship in 1919. Buffalo tried to claim a National Title, but few recognized any team outside the Ohio League as champion. It was this desire to have a top level professional league that opened the door for the formation of the American Professional Football Association, which would become the National Football League.


The newly minted Buffalo All-Americans were one of the top teams in the new professional football leagues established following a September 17th meeting in Canton, Ohio. Under the new league structure, teams created their schedules dynamically as the season progressed, so there were no minimum or maximum number of games needed to be played. The All-American Buffalo team started the season with four games outside the APFA, beating two teams from inside the City of Buffalo, before beating team from McKeesport, Pennsylvania and Toldeo, Ohio. In their first league game the All-Americans got a touchdown from John Weldon and a blocked punt to beat the Rochester Jeffersons 17-6 on October 31st. After blanking non-league member All-Tonawanda 35-0, the All-Americans got four rushing touchdowns from Cedric Smith to beat the Columbus Panhandles 43-7. A week Buffalo would suffer its first loss of the season on a muddy field in Canton 3-0, as the only score was a late Field Goal by Bulldogs Kicker Al Freeney. Buffalo bounced back to beat the Cleveland Tigers 7-0 a week later. The All-Americans would get revenge against the Canton two weeks later, winning 7-3 in a game played in New York’s Polo Grounds. The All-Americans would end the season against the Akro Pros, before the game Buffalo acquired Bob Nash in the league’s first trade. The deal was made to help the Pros financially with the agreement 5% of the gate would go to Akron’s coffers. Nash would not appear in the game that was played in a driving rain storm with neither team being able to score. The Pros would claim the league’s first championship, while the All-Americans finished with a record of 9-1-1. Buffalo along with the Decatur Staleys would protest the Pros Championship claiming they each won more games and were not defeated by Akron, who was declared champion thanks to their 8-0-3 record.


After their bitter finish in their first year of the AFPA, the All-Americans would do just about anything to win, and began to employ players contracted to other professional teams that did not play in the AFPA. Most notably they had several players from the Independent Philadelphia Quakers. Since Philadelphia was subject to blue laws the Quakers had to play their games on Saturdays, as opposed to the Sundays used by the APFA, including Buffalo. The Buffalo players played for Philadelphia on Saturday, then traveled to Buffalo for Sunday’s game. The added man power helped the All-Americans get off to a strong start winning their first six games. Following a second straight scoreless tie against the Akron Pros, the All-Americans illegal player usage came to light. Each player was given the choice to remain in Buffalo or play for Philadelphia, with five players including Lud Wray choosing to play for the Quakers, feeling that Buffalo had blown the whistle themselves top force the players to remain in Buffalo fulltime. Fortunately for Buffalo, at the same time the Detroit Tigers Football team had ceased operations, and their players would be allocated to Buffalo as they faced a key game against the Canton Bulldogs which ended in a 7-7 tie. Four days later on Thanksgiving the All-Americans would beat the Chicago Staleys 7-6 at Cubs Park to take over first place, the All-Americans would win their next two games, and appeared to be in position to win the AFPA Championship with a record of 9-0-2. However, the All-Americans agreed to a rematch with Chicago on December 4th, thinking the game would not count in the standings. On the day before their rematch with the Staleys the All-Americans played a home game against the Akron Pros, winning 14-0. Taking an overnight train to Chicago the All-Americans would be without the players they received from Detroit, as the Tigers reformed to play an exhibition game against the Detroit Maroons. The shorthanded and tired All-Americans played hard in Chicago, but ultimately lost the game 10-7. The season ended for Buffalo at 9-1-2, while Chicago played two more games winning one and tying one to finishing 9-1-1. Staleys Owner and Coach George Halas declared his team champions of the AFPA. Buffalo Owner Frank McNeil cried foul, saying his team was tricked into thinking the game was an exhibition and would have not played the game otherwise and should not count toward the standings. Halas and the Staleys who would become the Chicago Bears in 1922 already had a greater influence on the rest of the league, and were award the Brunswick-Balke Collender Cup as the league ruled a second meeting would be the tiebreaker if both team’s had the same record and played two games. Buffalo’s Frank McNeil remained distraught by “The Staley Swindle” and would fight for the rest of his life to have the NFL overturn the decision and declare the Buffalo All-Americans Champions of the 1921 AFPA season.


Following the hard to swallow Staley Swindle, the Buffalo All-Americans would open their third season, in the newly reminted National Football League with back-to-back shutout wins over the Hammond Pros and Columbus Panhandles before a rematch against George Halas and the Chicago Bears. The All-Americans had no answers for the Bears defense as they suffered a 7-0 loss at Cubs Park on October 22nd. The All-Americans would beat the Dayton Triangles 7-0 a week later, but would go winless in their next four games. Buffalo would go on to finish the season by shutting out the Rochester Jeffersons and Akron Pros to finish with a record of 5-4-1.


Ockie Anderson who had been a key player for the Buffalo All-Americans was forced to retire due to a knee injury. Without one of their key offensive players the All-Americans again struggled and finished in eighth place with a record of 5-4-3.


Owner Frank McNeil would sell the Buffalo franchise to Coach Tommy Hughitt and Warren D. Patterson, the team would then change the name from All-Americans to Bisons borrowing a stock name used by other teams in the area, including their minor league baseball team. The newly renamed Bisons played well early in the season, winning six of their first eight games. However, they finished the season poorly losing their final three games by a combined score of 90-7. After the season Hughit who had been coaching Buffalo since 1917 stepped down to concentrate on running the team as an owner.


Columbia University star and Buffalo native Walter Koppisch became the new coach of the Bisons, and was expected to become the face of the franchise as they battled the new Giants franchise from New York for his services. However, the Bisons got off to a terrible start losing their first two games to the Frankford Yellow Jackets 27-7 and Pottsville Maroons 28-0. Looking for a jumpstart the Bisons signed Jim Kendrick away from his contract with the Hammond Pros on October 1st. The next two games saw the Bisons play scoreless ties against the Rochester Jeffersons and Akron Pros, before beating the Columbus Tigers 17-6 for the first win of the season. However, the Bisons suffered another setback a few days later as Walter Koppisch was injured in an automobile accident. Koppisch was advised to sit out a few games, as the Bisons lost their final four games and finished the season with a record of 1-6-2. Following the season the Bisons would terminate the contract of Koppisch, allowing him to join the New York Giants.


With Red Grange’s barnstorming tour helping the popularity of Professional Football grow, and new leagues trying to rival the NFL, the Bisons decide to change their name to the Buffalo Rangers due to several players being from Texas and the Southwestern United States as the team considered moving to Texas or operating as a traveling team representing Texas, similarly to the Los Angeles Buccaneers under new Coach Jim Kendrick. The plan never gained much traction as the Rangers posted a mediocre mark of 4-4-2. Following the season the Rangers would lose most of their team including Coach Jim Kendrick citing their dislike for the harsh winters in Buffalo.


The Rangers experiment is abandoned as the team once again would play as the Buffalo Bisons in 1927. The Bisons would name Dim Batterson, a local high school and college coach and an assistant with the team since 1925 as their new head coach as the team tried to recover from the mass defections. The Bisons would get off to a terrible start, losing their first five games by a combined score of 123-8. With the team losing money, and being uncompetitive on the field a decision was made to suspend operations and the Bisons remaining games were cancelled.


After sitting out the entire 1928 season, the Bisons returned to the field in 1929 with Al Jolley as their new coach. Among the players on the roster was Jess Rodriguez, the first Hispanic-American player in NFL history. The Bisons were not much better than they were before suspending operations, as they never led in any of their first eight games, suffering seven losses with a tie. The Bisons would finish the season with a 19-7 win over the Chicago Bears on November 24th. It was the first time that Buffalo had beaten the Bears since the Staley Swindle. It would also be the final game the Buffalo Bisons would ever play as the team folded after the season. The NFL would consider Buffalo for expansion over the next 30 years, but never added a team. In the meantime Buffalo get a franchise in the All-American Football Conference in 1946, the league would merge with the NFL, but due to George Halas’ longstanding animosity to Buffalo, would not be invited to join the NFL. Finally in 1960 the American Football League was born, with the Buffalo Bills being a charter member.


Pohľad fanúšika vždy bude vyplývať z pocitov. Tie moje, čo sa týka vyjadrení na dvojičku Taylor/McCoy, boli z dôvodu, že som v ich spolupráci nevidel nič nové, ani len náznak nápadu urobiť pre výsledok nejaký ten moment prekvapenia. Videli ste to všetci, JAX ich prečítali v každom drive. Pri tej kritike som sa ale poopravil a nazval idiotom toho, kto im to naordinoval. Pravda nakoniec taká, že si to Taylor s požehnaním toho idiota riadil vraj sám. V takomto dôležitom zápase urobia takéto rozhodnutie ?!!. Po 17-ich rokoch v playoff sa zmôžeme na toto ?!!!. Môj pohľad na Taylora sa nemení, ak som urazil fans McCoya, tak nemám problém sa za svoj výrok ospravedlniť, ale u Taylora názor nezmením, nech je akokoľvek správny chlap. Takí Super Bowl nevyhrávajú. Ale som len fanúšik s vlastným názorom, a že iný fanda má tiež svoj je len správne, veď o čom by sme potom debatovali. Vždy tak bolo a vždy tak bude, ako tiež pravdou, že cez to všetko si radi zakričíme spolu, GO BILLS, LET’S GO BUFFALO.

Já jsem Romane v první řadě moc rád, že vyjádříš své pocity. A vůbec to nemyslím jen jako otřepanou frázi z nějaké povinnosti hostitele na stránkách, který si nechce pohněvat návštěvníky. Ve svých letech to nemám zapotřebí. Mám upřímnou radost, že se někdo projeví a byl bych rád, kdyby se tu jádřili a třeba i vynadávali i další návštěvníci našich stránek.
Je přirozené, že fanoušci nemají stejný názor. To vůbec ani nechci. Já mám například ve footballu skoro pokaždé jiný názor než většina fanoušků. A prakticky to samé platí i o hokeji (já bych o Sabres i rád více psal, ale určitě chápeš, že mi nezbývá dost času). A když vidím, že se něco posralo, tak jsem rád, když se situace popíše tak, jak to vyžaduje a v takovém případě se mi nelíbí, když se chodí kolem horké kaše (a hrubší výrazy nejsou na obtíž, jen se jim snažím vyhýbat).
Vím, že jsi velice věrný a oddaný fanoušek Buffala. A máš tedy plné právo diskutovat, kritizovat i nadávat podle libosti, protože tě vedou jasné pohnutky: upřímně si přeješ úspěch pro Buffalo - Sabres i Bills.
Pokud by tu na buffalské hráče nadával fanoušek jiného týmu, nemilosrdně si to s ním vypořádáme.

Dobře rozumím tvé frustraci a chápu, na jakém základu stojí. Vezmeme to zase popořadě:

Rick Dennison - je ofenzívní koordinátor, který hlásí hry billského útoku. Před sezónou nebyl první volbou kouče McDermotta. Podle mnohých /a tomto případě i podle mne/ nepřinesl Dennison do ofenzívy mnoho dobrého. Evidentně mu nevyhovuje Taylor jako quarterback. Další problémy na pozici QB mu nechci podsouvat, protože neznám pozadí a ani přesné kompetence v týmu ohledně volby QB a jeho hry.
V první půli sezóny výrazně mezisezónně poklesla efektivita běhové hry Bills /hlavně změnou blokovacího schéma o-line/ a pasová hra byla tragická po celou sezónu. 
Zahlásit na jednom yardu od end-zóny hru jako běh/pas dle vlastního uvážení ale není chyba zásadní povahy. Dává quarterbackovi volnou ruku k tomu, aby mohl překvapit obranu soupeře podle rozestavění na line of scrimmage. Bills měli na dobývání více pokusů, problémem ale byl ofenzívní faul wide receivera Benjamina, který je připravil o postavení na jaguárském jednom yardu.
Asi tě potěší, že Rick Dennison byl včera vyhozen. 
Bills půjdou do nové sezóny s novým ofenzívním koordinátorem a nejčastěji padají tato jména:
Mike McCoy - toho chtěli už loni, ale odešel do Denveru a v půlce sezóny byl vyhozen
Mike Shula - znají ho z Panthers a trénoval tam QB Newtona
Rob Chudzinski - také ho znají z Panthers, teď je v Colts, ale pochybuji, že ho tam nechají
John DeFilipo - vychoval v Eagles QB Wentze, dělá QB kouče a nemusí být volný, podle mne by byl nejlepší volbou
Kenneth Dorsey - znají ho z Panthers, také tam pracoval jako QB kouč a hlavně jako šéf skautů se zaměřením na odhad mladých QB

LeSean McCoy - k článku jsem připnul obrázek, který tě určitě potěší, protože ukazuje, jak málo efektivní byly běhy McCoye. Modrá čára napříč je místo pro rozehrání míče, zelené linky ukazují běhy se ziskem nad 5 yardů. Je jich opravdu málo (povedla se ještě jedna dlouhá hra, ale byla vrácena kvůli faultu tight enda Thomase). Jak jsem už ale řekl, billská ofenzíva většinou vybírala z několika "špatných" řešení a předávka míče na McCoye byla často tou "méně špatnou" variantou, ačkoliv byla předem odsouzena k malému zisku či přímo ztrátě.
Jako fanoušci bychom ale měli ocenit, že McCoy do utkání nastoupil, hrál s výronem kotníku, za lajnou kulhal, ale na hřišti urputně bojoval. Nevybojoval dost na to, aby dotáhl ofenzívu k výhře, ale výsledek bohužel odráží poměr kvality mezi billskou ofenzívou a jaguárskou defenzívou. Jistě to není vinou McCoye. 

Tyrod Taylor - tady je to mnohem složitější. Pokud kritizujeme Taylora, musíme k tomu přistoupit poctivě a v takovém případě by mi nestačilo několik stran, abych mohl vše popsat. Ve zkratce je to tak, že Taylor má určité schopnosti a dovednosti (některé takřka unikátní), kterých Bills (přesněji McDermott a Dennison) nejen neuměli, ale patrně také ani nehodlali využít. 
Začneme tak, že ohodnotíme naše receivery (pozice wide receiver, tight end, running back a fullback) jako podprůměrné v rámci NFL. Bohužel je to tak, nemá cenu si nic nalhávat. Jistě, receiveři podali během sezóny často lepší než průměrné výkony, občas dokonce dost nadprůměrné, ale na druhou stranu jejich řady (pozice wide receiver) kosila zranění. Obecně je fanoušky přehlížen jeden prostý fakt: pokud hráč, který je zraněný, nastoupí do zápasu, není schopen předvést stoprocentní výkon. Fanoušci občas mají pocit, že pokud se hráč objeví na hřišti, měl by vždy být schopen ukázat maximum, nehledě na často limitující zranění. Bills měli letos hodně zraněných receiverů. Pokud k tomu přičtu fakt, že před začátkem sezóny tým pustil Marquise Goodwina, Robert Woodse, Sammy Watkinse a z týmu pláchl Anquan Boldin, pragmatická úvaha nás vede k tomu, abychom přiznali Taylorovi polehčující okolnost: receiveři nepatřili k silným zbraním Bills.
A pak tu máme ofenzívní lajnu. Řekněme si to rovnou: tohle není o-line určená k ochraně quarterbacka, to je o-line určená k prosazení běhové hry. Technika hráčů tomu i odpovídá. Oni nejsou dostatečně technicky a rychlostně vybaveni, aby udrželi rush na quarterbacka. Tím spíš, pokud potřebuje k odhozu více času, než je ligový nadprůměr. Billská o-line má výrazný a dynamický impakt, ale pomalou, měkkou, technicky nedostatečnou protekci. No a Taylor není pocket-passer. Je za svými ochránci neposedný, pobíhá všude kolem, o-line pak nechrání jen pár čtverečních yardů za sebou, musí bránit velké území a občas ani netuší, kde se za jejich zády vlastní quarterback právě nachází.
Jaký bude Taylorův osud v Buffalu? Netuším, ale jedno vím skoro jistě - Bills s ním nepočítají jako se startujícím quarterbackem. Existuje několik scénářů, které nemá smysl tu podrobně rozebírat. 
Já osobně bych byl rád, pokud by Taylor v Buffalu zůstal a plnil roli podpůrného QB.

Bills sice rychle vypadli, ale sezóna to byla zajímavá a přinesla nám hodně radosti. Máme dost důvodů, proč do budoucnosti hledět s velkým optimismem. Snaž se to tak i brát. 


He might not be elite, but Wilson is sure playing like it right now.

1 Patriots They just keep on rolling. Is there any team in the AFC that can beat them? I don't think so. 1 10-2-0
2 Steelers It wasn't easy against the Bengals, but nothing has been this season. It's all about beating the Patriots in Week 16. 1 10-2-0
3 Vikings Case Keenum is playing outstanding football to go with that impressive defense. They face a tough road trip to Carolina this week. 1 10-2-0
4 Eagles They would be the second seed now in the conference after losing to Seattle and they face a tough road game against the Rams. That's a tough turnaround. 3 10-2-0
5 Rams They face an enormous game this week at home against the Eagles. The good news is the defense is getting better by the week. -- 9-3-0
6 Saints If they can beat the Falcons on the road at Atlanta, they will essentially have a two-game lead in the division with three to go. Alvin Kamara has been sensational. 1 9-4-0
7 Panthers What has happened to the defense the past two weeks? That unit was supposed to be better than they've been. 1 8-4-0
8 Seahawks Aside from Russell Wilson's outstanding play, the defense is coming off a good showing against the Eagles. That's a good sign with all the injuries. 1 8-4-0
9 Jaguars Their defense is carrying this team, but Blake Bortles had his best game throwing it last week. They will need him this week against Seattle. 4 8-4-0
10 Falcons They face a must-win game this week at home against the Saints. Lose, and they are in big trouble. 2 8-5-0
11 Chargers They are now tied for first in the division. Who saw that coming? They weren't great against the Browns, but they found a way. 1 6-6-0
12 Titans They are winning, but it sure isn't pretty. Is that a sign of a good team, or one just finding a way? 1 8-4-0
13 Ravens They face a big one this week against the Steelers. The good news is Joe Flacco came alive throwing it last week. 1 7-5-0
14 Cowboys They saved their season - for now - by beating the Redskins last week. They can make a real push down the stretch with a soft schedule. 1 6-6-0
15 Packers They are 6-6 and alive in the wild-card chase. They need to keep it afloat until Aaron Rodgers gets back in a few weeks. 4 6-6-0
16 Raiders They still don't score enough on offense. They will need to score more at Kansas City this week. 4 6-6-0
17 Lions Two consecutive losses has this team at .500 and trying to stay alive in the playoff chase. Matt Stafford's injured hand bears watching. 3 6-6-0
18 Bills They just can't beat the Patriots. Until they can, they can't be a real threat in the division. 2 6-6-0
19 Chiefs Their 5-0 start seems like years ago. At 6-6, they have to find a way to win this week at home against the Raiders. 2 6-6-0
20 Redskins At 5-7, they are basically done. The injuries have just taken a toll on this team. 2 5-7-0
21 Bengals At 5-7, that loss to the Steelers just about finishes their season. Now the question becomes whether changes are coming. -- 5-7-0
22 Jets They have done a great job this year and a lot of credit goes to Josh McCown. He has been outstanding the last two weeks. 4 5-7-0
23 Cardinals They can start worrying about next year now after losing at home to the Rams. Will Bruce Arians be back? 1 5-7-0
24 Dolphins They showed some fight against the Broncos. Now here come the Patriots. -- 5-7-0
25 Buccaneers Did doing the Hard Knocks series hurt this team? They say no, but you never know. 2 4-8-0
26 Texans The injuries have ended their chances, but there were some good things from last week's game. DeAndre Hopkins is a flat out star. 1 4-8-0
27 Broncos It's hard to believe this team has lost eight straight games. The bad quarterback play has killed the Broncos. -- 3-9-0
28 49ers They have to be thrilled with what they got from Jimmy Garoppolo in his first start last week. They have their guy. 2 2-10-0
29 Colts It's coming to the end for Chuck Pagano. This season probably can't end soon enough for this group. 1 3-9-0
30 Bears It's looking more and more like a new coach is coming next season. There are some good things to build upon for next year. 1 3-9-0
31 Giants Firing coach Ben McAdoo and general manager Jerry Reese was the right thing to do. So was putting Eli Manning back in as the starter. -- 2-10-0
32 Browns At least they know they have a weapon for the future with Josh Gordon back. But who will be throwing to him? -- 0-12-0


1) Stav na pozici QB v týmu Buffalo Bills



2) Top QB-prospekty pro draft 2018


3) Zájemci mezi týmy NFL




Week Soupeř Místo Den/Datum/Čas W Bills
1. New York Jets New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 10.9. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
73,4 %
2. Carolina Panthers Bank of America Stad., Charlotte, NC NE, 17.9. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
29,8 %
3. Denver Broncos New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 24.9. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
52,4 %
4. Atlanta Falcons Mercedez-Benz Stad. Atlanta, GA NE, 1.10. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
25,1 %
5. Cincinnati Bengals Paul Brown Stadium
Cincinnati, OH
NE, 8.10. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
34,1 %
6. bye Week  
7. Tampa Bay Buccaneers New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 22.10. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
56,6 %
8. Oakland Raiders New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 29.10. 2017
18,00 hodin SEČ
43,5 %
9. New York Jets MetLife Stadium
East Rutherford, NJ
ČT-PÁ, 2.-3.11. 2017
01,25 hodin SEČ
55,8 %
10. New Orleans Saints New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 12.11. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
56,3 %
11. Los Angeles Chargers StubHub Center
Carson, CA
NE, 19.11. 2017
22,05 hodin SEČ
32,3 %
12. Kansas City Chiefs Arrowhead Stadium
Kansas City, MO
NE, 26.11. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
24,6 %
13. New England Patriots New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 3.12. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
27,9 %
14. Indianapolis Colts New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 10.12. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
52,3 %
15. Miami Dolphins New Era Field
Buffalo, NY
NE, 17.12. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
58,4 %
16. New England Patriots Gillette Stadium
Foxboro, MA
NE, 24.12. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
14,7 %
17. Miami Dolphins Hard Rock Stadium
Miami, FL
NE, 31.12. 2017
19,00 hodin SEČ
36,3 %